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Harod valley

Hi, I'm Daphna:) 
Born and raised in the Sharon area to two parents who immigrated from Argentina for the love of the country, 
and lived a few years in the US in my childhood.
I've worked as a guide of different kinds for a big part of my life- mainly with kids but not only, in an archaeological museum, and other groups. Finished university with a B.A in History and Archeology with a specialization in the Classic era, and studied advanced Latin as part of the degree.
That's when I found out my destiny- to bring all of the different beautiful sites we have in Israel to life!

After finishing my tour guide course, I opened my company Veritas Tours- out of a belief that the truth must be
always sought after, and the people I guide deserve nothing but the truth!

Have worked with tourists from all over, companies, and different Israeli groups, in Hebrew, English and Spanish.

Carmel mountains
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